Honda Pan-European ST1300A6  
Honda ST1300 A6 - Fairing Removal and Fitting
Inner Fairing

The Inner Fairing is accessed from behind the front wheel.

IT has 4 large trim clips, 2 flush push rivets and 1 x crosshead screw with shoulder and flange.

To remove the left hand inner fairing:

i) Turn the handle bars full lock right. Locate the push rivets which are positioned in the fork well, just below the left hand fairing pocket. You need to be standing up and looking down the fork well. On the photo, the holes are at the very top of the picture - circled. Push in the centre pin, and remove the rivets.

ii) Remove the cross head screw - under the front of the headlight.

iii) Pop out all 4 rivets.

iv) Remove it slowly, taking note of how it feeds out from behind the wheel, cos you'll have to put it in again later.

Note - do the same to the right hand side - but beware the added complication of the temperature sensor wire. Reach up inside and disconnect the connector. Place the end of the wire somewhere handy - eg tucked up with the horn. This lead has a habit of disappearing when you are replacing the main fairing, and you have to take the fairing off again to recover it.

When replacing, do the right one first. Connect the temperature sensor wire. Feed the piece up alongide the forks and up to the fairing pocket. When loosely in position, it will stay there for long enough for you to go to the top end and position it correctly behine the lip on the side of the fairing pocket. Make sure the push rivets' heads are out, and insert the rivets. Press the centre pin flush. Go back to the side of the wheel and make sure the rest is in position. Most rivets can be inserted, but leave out the ones near where the front lower cowl will be placed. You will need to be able to move things about later.


These pages are merely a personal record of maintaining a Honda ST1300.
Anyone carrying out similar work should acquaint themselves with the official, correct procedures or employ the services of a qualified technician.

Website ©2011 JFHeath